"April is #FinancialLiteracyMonth! An excellent opportunity for folks to reassess their finances.
Small businesses can reach out to a local @SBAgov resource partner for free or low-cost financial counseling and training.
Find out more here: go.usa.gov/xukXp"
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Here are other recent tweets from David Trone:
"Our veterans honorably served our country to protect Americans. We must now honor their service. @AppropsDems is meeting to ensure they have the funding to advance womens health, mental health, and homelessness assistance. Watch today at 2 PM: youtu.be/_FNtmJYg7oo"
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"Access to reliable internet is still a hurdle for many Maryland students. So what is #TeamMaryland doing about it?
#ARPA-funded #broadband expansion: $68 million
New funding for Maryland schools: $238,825
Setting students up for success: priceless
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#ARPA-funded #broadband expansion: $68 million
New funding for Maryland schools: $238,825
Setting students up for success: priceless
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"During Second Chance Month, we've got to come to the table with solutions to help give returning citizens opportunities to succeed. In Congress, I'm fighting to build a stronger Opportunity Pipeline, which will REDUCE recidivism and CONNECT folks to real jobs right out of prison." on April 26
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