David Trone tweeted the following:
"The Supreme Court's decision to strip away the right to abortion access threatens the safety and autonomy of women across the country. Women should ALWAYS be able to make decisions about their health care and futures. Thank you, Natalie, for sharing your story with us."
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Here are other recent tweets from David Trone:
"I was glad to join @WMAR2News yesterday to talk about the CHIPS and Science Act, which will not only ensure critical technology is made right here in America, but will also generate thousands of good-paying jobs across the country. We are putting #PeopleOverPolitics. twitter.com/WMAR2News/stat"
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"Since the Sackler family & Purdue Pharmas unethical marketing of Oxycodone, opioids have wreaked havoc in our communities. So I introduced the EFFECTIVE Act w/@RepMeuser to give the FDA more power to review the public health impact of new opioid drugs. This is how we save lives." on July 28
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"And I proudly voted for it today! Today, the House voted to put #PeopleOverPolitics, deliver for our communities, and pass this legislation. The #CHIPSandScience Act will invest in America's ability to remain competitive for generations to come. It's great news. twitter.com/RepDavidTrone/" on July 28
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